All Things are One Thing


Everything in creation is God. God is the universe, the universe is God. When we look at the universe we are looking at God. We are part of the universe, therefore we are a part of God.

We are all from the one spiritual Source. Our spirit is an individuated unit of consciousness at one with the essence of God. This is why it is said we are made in the likeness of God. If we can imagine God as a body, we are the individual cells that make up the body. If we can imagine God as light, we are the individual sparks that make up the light. Although we are created from God, we are also co-creators with God.

You are part of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. The feeling you are separate from the universe is an illusion created by physical incarnation. While we are physically incarnated our experience of the universe is filtered through our five senses. It is a misconception to believe these five senses enable us to experience everything in existence. In contrast, they are a limiter allowing us to perceive only a fraction of what there really is. This feeling of separateness is temporary and designed to compel our soul's development. When we die, the veil of physical incarnation is lifted and once again we see clearly what we are.

Our natural state is spirit and our true home is the non-physical world. Physical existence on Earth is not our natural state which is why we can find life here difficult. Spirits know physical life is difficult, yet still choose to incarnate. You are one of these brave spirits, so be gentle with yourself. We visit Earth only to learn lessons, then we return home. Earth is just one place in the universe where physical incarnation takes place. Within the Universe there are other inhabited worlds and dimensions, with beings at different degrees of development. In contrast to what we believe about ourselves, we have only reached a modest level of spiritual development compared to many other beings.

Everything in the universe is interconnected. If you are able to see the universe as a vast, self-balancing system you have begun to understand it. An indiscernible energy interweaves everything. As an integral part of the universe, our actions and deeds resonate through it. This is one of the hardest concepts to understand, but a very important one: As part of the very fabric of the universe every one of our actions leaves an indelible imprint on it. None of these actions, good or bad, can be annulled, cancelled or forgotten, they can only be rebalanced by other actions. The memory of the universe stores everything we have ever done from our first incarnation. This is referred to as the Akashic Record or Mind of God.

While incarnated on Earth we are given free-will to act, but must answer for the consequences of our actions. This is karma. Karma is an active cycle of cause and effect and our experiences during each incarnation have a direct result on this karmic cycle. All of us have a karmic record stored in the memory of the universe. We are continually balancing this karmic record and have been doing so since our first incarnation. We are continually subject to the consequences of our own deeds as well as being the recipients of other's karmic balancing. As we are required to make reparations to others for our wrongdoings, they are required to make reparations to us in order to balance their own karma. There is nothing supernatural about this. It's simply cosmic law, facilitated by the interconnected, self-balancing nature of the universe.

We are created imperfect but destined to become perfect through our own efforts. By incarnating many times into physical existence we achieve this. During each incarnation we learn lessons which aid our spiritual development and growth. The goal is to fully express love in all the challenges which physical life offers. if we can think for a moment about the one person in our life whom we love most of all, then we get an inkling of the goal of reincarnation: to be able to love every single soul, even ourselves, with that same love. We no longer incarnate when we have achieved this.

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