All Things are One Thing


Because Western science is dominated by a materialist-reductionist belief system it is assumed the brain is the generator of consciousness. This represents a fundamental misunderstanding of the true nature of consciousness.

In reality the brain is the receiver of consciousness, a viewpoint more readily accepted and understood in Eastern culture. In the same way we understand a radio with music coming out of it does not contain a miniature pop group playing music, we should understand the brain is not generating consciousness from within. Similar to a radio receiving signals and converting them to audio, or a TV receiving signals and converting them to visual images, our brain receives consciousness and converts it into a physical experience. The brain is obviously capable of generating emotions and storing information too but its overriding function is to receive consciousness and convert it into perception of the physical world. All sorts of things that are currently unanswered begin to make sense when you see the brain as a receiver of consciousness instead of the generator of it. Telepathy, out-of-body experiences, near-death experiences, remote viewing, precognition and clairvoyance become easier to explain if the brain is viewed this way. For example, telepathy occurs when a brain has the ability to adjust its frequency to 'tune into' signals other than the signals it normally tunes into, similar to a radio tuning into another station. In fact, many mystical experiences are the result of the brain tuning into alternative frequencies.

Even the survival of consciousness beyond physical death can be explained when the brain is viewed as a receiver of consciousness. Life after death is an impossible conundrum when the brain is seen as the generator of consciousness in that it requires one thing to end (die) and another thing to be created somewhere else, or some 'energy' to leave a physical thing and go into a non-physical thing, but still exist. When you see the brain as the receiver of consciousness, death of the brain simply means the end of its ability to receive. Consciousness doesn't stop or go anywhere, it simply reverts to its non-dual state as a micro-aspect of universal consciousness. From our point of view it may seem like this requires it to leave one place and go to another place, but it doesn't. Nothing has to leave anything as consciousness doesn't have a 'physical' location. Likewise, nothing needs to be created from new. To use the radio analogy again, a radio that is broken can no longer receive a signal but the signal is still there. Our brain is simply no longer the receiver of our consciousness and therefore our experience of physical life dissolves. But if consciousness continues beyond physical death why incarnate at all? The answer is to spiritually evolve in a way that only physical incarnation can facilitate.

The Bright Grey

What is the nature of reality?