All Things are One Thing


It is important to understand that while physically incarnated we do not experience the true nature of reality. This is because we only experience the physical world, which is only a small part of all that exists. Even Western science, with it's materialist dominated viewpoint, concedes that only 4% of the universe is made up of matter and then admits only half of that is visible to us. Existence is mostly non-physical, but we are unable to perceive the non-physical while incarnated. As a result we assume what we experience is reality, but it is not. Another striking feature of physical incarnation is the illusion of separation it creates within each of us. Each perceives themselves as being separate from others as well as the universe. This is a natural consequence of becoming an individuated unit of consciousness but is completely illusionary. The truth is that all things are one thing.

To get an idea of our illusion, imagine yourself locked in a small, sound and light proof booth. Because it's sound and light proofed you can hear and see nothing. Then someone makes 5 pin holes in it for you. From then on everything you experience of the outside world comes through those pin holes. As you can imagine, your experience of the world will be inconceivably limited in comparison to someone living outside your booth. Your perception of the world outside will be so limited it doesn’t represent 'reality' at all. If you spent an hour outside your booth you would be amazed at how limited your previous experience was. This is what we are - beings with only 5 physical senses. Our experience of reality is as limited as the person in the booth. Physical incarnation is the booth and our 5 senses are the pin holes. If we experienced reality as it truly is we would be amazed.

When we die we are released from the restraint of the booth and we see what we really are - a part of a stream of pure energy that is existence. We see that what we imagined as 'God' during our incarnation is the entire stream of energy we are part of. The universe, cosmos, God and us are one and the same. When the veil of physical incarnation is lifted we understand this.

The Bright Grey

What is conciousness?